You can change the employee view by clicking the settings icon and picking one of the 5 options below

You can choose to display schedule in one of the following ways:

  • Shows an employee’s schedule for all of the departments they work in
  • Hours per day are a total of all Departments listed.

  1. All employees and JUST this department shifts
  • Shows shifts for this department only. Even if employees listed work in another department.
  • Will show employees who work in this department even if they don’t have any shifts.

  1. All employees shifts whose PRIMARY department this is
  • This will eliminate employees who work in this department but another department has been set as their PRIMARY.

  1. Only this departments schedule
  • Shows all employees with shifts in this department.
  • Will not show employees with no shifts.

  1. Only employees with NO shifts
  • This will only show employees who do NOT have a shift.