When the HR Suite is enabled/turned on, you will have the following new features enabled:

In the employee’s profile

  1. Notes – read more here
  2. Files – read more here
  3. Training/Onboarding – read more here
  4. Asset Tracking – read more here


  1. Asset Tracking – here you can create new assets and find reports based on pass asset access
  2. Training/Onboarding – here you can create groups (ex. New Hire) and manage the training items that you want the employees to complete

In the Administrator Menu

  1. Library – this gives you access to a global file saving location as well as quick access to each employees files
  2. Training/Onboard – this shows upcoming and missed training requirements so you can stay on top of each employee
  3. Assets – like the WHO’S WORKING dashboard, this shows a snap shot of what each employee has checked out today

When employee’s punch in

  1. if you have assets that require an employee to check them out, they will be prompted to enter the asset id/number
  2. Optionally they can pick that they don’t have an asset