For Managers

How do I manage employees?

To add a new employee: Go to EMPLOYEES Click the green ADD button Complete the forms fields with the red * beside them, ex Payroll/punch code Name Security level Primary department If this employee wi...

How to create and publish a schedule

To create a schedule: Go to SCHEDULING Pick the department you want to schedule Pick the week (make sure the week is UNPUBLISHED) You can now create a schedule 4 ways Click the + symbol for any cell f...

Approving shift swaps

To approve a shift swap Log into the DASHBOARD Find the shift you want to APPROVE or DECLINE If you DECLINE, the employee will be alerted, the swap is done If you APPROVE, the employee will be alerted...

How do I setup a punch clock location?

If this is your first time setting up a punch clock location, make sure you have reviewed how to restrict the punch buttons. Read this article and if it applies, add the appropriate blocking. What typ...

How to use Sales/Labor Budget

The Sales/Labour Budget Cost tool allows you to enter store Sales totals and compare them to you labour budget and labour costs. See all departments at once for a convenient view of the whole store’...