For Employees

We’ve created your own how-to here. Please take the time to review all the articles. If you still need help, reach out to support.

For Managers

We’ve created your own how-to here. Please take the time to review all the articles. If you still need help, reach out to support.

For Administrators

Create Your Departments

Read this article to create your departments.

Create Your Roles

Read this article to create your roles.

Add Your Employees

Read this article to add new employees.

Create and Publish A Schedule

Read this article to create and publish a schedule.

Setup Your Punch Clock

There are a few options for setting up a punch clock, read through this article to pick the one right for you.

Get Employees Punching

Now that you have your punch station setup and schedules created, your staff can start punching. Each shift will generate an action in a time card for you to review.

Approve Your Time Cards

Read this article to approve your time cards.

Export To Payroll

 Read this article to transfer your time cards to your payroll provider.

And much more….

Still Need Help?

If you still need help, search the support site here or contact the support team.

How to set an employee’s password

Read this article.

How to set an employee’s as a manager/supervisor

Read this article.