TWS – News

New PUBLISH alerts added

We’ve added 2 new alerts when publishing/unpublishing schedules. Go to MANAGE MY BUSINESS, MANAGE ALERTS to find them

Adding A Note On Who’s Working Pushed to Time Card

When you add a note on the WHO’S WORKING board, you now have an option to push the note to the time card automatically. An example, a manager knows an employee will be away for a bit and adds as a note to their shift. Previously when approving the time cards, HR may not have […]

Update to DAY view on schedule page

Previously you could only use the DAY view for a single department. We just updated the schedule page to allow you to pick multiple departments at once.

New schedule features launched

We’ve launched a few new features to the schedule page: You can now add manager notes per day by department or your entire company Click the comment icon Fill in the form The comments show at the top People vs Shift view – the original view shows all schedules by employee But now you can […]

Update – Publishing after copying and more

We’ve updated the COPY SCHEDULE to allow you to quickly publish a schedule after copying it. Just pick the weeks and click PUBLISH When viewing the schedule and weeks, you can quickly see which weeks are published so you don’t need to jump to each week and check

We launched a few new updates to the site. Take a look!

We launched a few updates last week to enhance the site, including: Added an OPEN SHIFT module. It’s own blog and HOW TO article is being added shortly. We’ve added several new SORT options on the scheduling screen Stream lined the ADD SHIFT page

New alerts for Managers

We’ve added 3 new alerts for your managers to keep on top of multiple absences and lates. To enable these, go to MANAGE MY BUSINESS, MANAGE ALERTS

New push alert on chat messages

We are almost done integrating the chat module with the app. Until then, we will now push an alert to you when you have any unread chat messages waiting to be read on the site.