
[VIDEO] Manage Absence Request Types

This is the How To Manage Absence Request Types for TIMEwellSCHEDULED. The fully tailored time and attendance with employee scheduling enhances your workforce management capability   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jnSpLdsxQA

How to approve absence requests

To approve an absence request, Go to ABSENCE Find the date, click APPROVE/DECLINE You can quickly see pending, declined and approved absences Pick the absence to Approve – this alerts the employee you have approved the request, moves it to the approved column and turns green. This absence WILL show on the schedule. Decline – […]

Absence recording and split shift

If an employee has a shift for a day and you need to record an absence you have several options: If you choose to link the WHOLE shift, then the entire shift will be removed from the time cards. If you choose to link PART of the shift, then the hours entered will remain as […]

How to print a list of absences

If you want a list of absences, Go to ABSENCES Change the filter to match the absence type (if needed) Pick the employees (if needed) Click PRINT LIST  

How do I fix/update an absence or availability that is approved?

To change an absence or availability that is approved: Go to ABSENCES or AVAILABILITY Find the absence Click the Approve/Decline button Click the PENDING button Click the EDIT button and make the changes you need Approve the request

How do I mark an employee sick (or any other absence)?

If an employee calls in sick (or any other absence), there are several ways to mark the employee absent. If the employee does NOT have a shift scheduled, you can skip to the last option.   From the WHO’S WORKING page: Go to WHO’S WORKING Find the employee, in the drop down, select the absence […]

How to include absences (sick day paid) into stat calculations

When doing stat calculations, the paid hours will be calculated WITH absences that have been enabled to be part of the stat calculation. To add an absence, for example, sick day paid, to the total hours, you must enable it in the absence setup:

Overnight shifts and absences

If you have an overnight shift and the employee has called in sick, how do you go about recording it? If you go to ABSENCES and click to add, you can NOT pick a start time on day 1 with an end day on day 2 (ex. Start on Monday 9p and end Tuesday 5a). […]

How can I override the default daily absence hours?

When adding an absence, the system uses the default daily rate set at a global level. However, if you need to override this as an absence uses a different value: Go to MANAGE MY BUSINESS Go to MANAGE ABSENCE REQUEST TYPES Pick the absence you want to change and click EDIT Change the override amount

How do I restrict/block absences/availability request for employees?

There are a few ways to restrict or block employees for asking for time off and entering availability:   You can add blackout periods. Read more here. To block requests for a specific number of days in the future, Go to MANAGE MY BUSINESS Go to MANAGE MY DEPARTMENTS Edit a department Set the time […]