Employee Management

Mark an employee inactive

To add/edit status, follow these steps. To set an employee inactive (a different status), Go to EMPLOYEES Find the employee, click EDIT In the ‘General’ section, change the Status drop down to their new status. Note: Only ACTIVE employees can punch in and out, and show up in scheduling and timecards.

[VIDEO] Manage Employees

This is the How To How To Manage Employees for TIMEwellSCHEDULED. The fully tailored time and attendance with employee scheduling enhances your workforce management capability.

[VIDEO] Manage User Defined Fields

User defined fields allow you to record employee details that are not pre-defined in the system. To add/edit user defined fields: Go to MANAGE MY BUSINESS Go to MANAGE USER DEFINED FIELDS Click ADD to add a new field, EDIT to change an existing title To set these values for an employee: Go to EMPLOYEES […]

[VIDEO] Manage Employee Status

This is the How To Manage Employee Status for TIMEwellSCHEDULED. The fully tailored time and attendance with employee scheduling enhances your workforce management capability.