
Set all hours for a day of week to RT/OT/DOT

If you have a requirement that specific days are always paid as RT/OT or DOT, you can do that by turning on the feature below. This would be useful if for example, your employees are paid OT on Sunday regardless of the hours they work during the week. This feature can be turned on by […]

How to edit time card hours before sending to payroll

Sometimes you need to override the default calculations for RT and OT hours. To do this, go to the HOUR AND SHIFT PREPARATION report and select your time period. Beside the RT hours, you will see an edit icon, click it: In the popup, change the values and click SAVE: NOTE – this feature will […]

Exclude paid meals/breaks from overtime calculations.

We’ve added the option to set your hours for maximum regular hours and choose the option to exclude paid meals and breaks . Go to Manage My Business>>Manage My Payroll, Shifts and Labour Rules. This calculation will be reflected on the Schedule page, for example in this case the employee worked 53 hours. That’s 9 […]

EasyPay – Error importing “NOT CONVERTED – record length is too short

If you try to import, you may have import format set to a custom format one instead of the default. Easypay has the capability to take information from different formats, convert it to our file format then import it. TimeWellScheduled is producing the file already to Easypay specifications so a pre-conversion is not required. To fix, go […]

ADP – Check your Company Code

To ensure a proper import, your company code MUST be proper upper or lower case Ex. a client had setup the code as 8H5 here but ADP pointed out their code was 8h5 Same with the file you import, ie. it can NOT be PR8H5EPI.csv it needs to be PR8h5EPI.csv

Desjardin – company number not matching

For Desjardin, the company number must be 8 characters long. If your company code is shorter than this, we need to append a 0 at the front. EXAMPLE: For company V001, the value must be 0000V001

[VIDEO] Payroll export

This is the How To Use the Export to Easy Pay for TIMEwellSCHEDULED. The fully tailored time and attendance with employee scheduling enhances your workforce management capability.

Sage Peachtree – Transfer Time Cards

If you have not setup your payroll provider, follow these steps. From TimeWellScheduled Go to TIME CARD & PAYROLL Go to REVIEW, UPDATE AND APPROVE TIME CARDS – make sure all time cards for the period you want to export are approved. Go to TIME CARD & PAYROLL Go to HOUR & SHIFT PREPARATION REPORT Enter […]

Easypay – Initial Configuration

Before your first export, we recommend following these steps: Open Windows Explorer Go to C:\EASYDATA Create a new folder called TimeCards We recommend saving all export files to this folder.